Recently the 47th President of the United States Donald J. Trump said that he was saved by God to make America great again. But what has God saved you for? John Flavel writes:
“Surely there is some great thing to be done by me, or else so great a salvation had not been wrought for me.”1
One may question the sincerity of Donald J. Trump, but even if a pagan (which I personally do not think he is) we find in the Bible that even they have lessons to teach us like that of the captain of the ship said to the prophet Jonah:
“What do you mean, you sleeper? Arise, call out to your god! Perhaps the god will give a thought to us, that we may not perish.” (Jonah 1:6)
What then are we saved for? I take also here from Flavel who gave three reasons. First, repentance. If you have been delivered by such good providence in life and spared, Flavel indicates that it should make us consider that God spared us physically in the storm or whatever so that we would repent toward God. I say repent toward God because it is often that repentance is about what we turn from, but repentance is really about who we are turning to, and what new life we are intending to live. I recently had someone visiting the church say to me how they wanted to live now different. I assume they have seen something of God’s good providence and realize it is time to change. Second, we are saved to depend upon God in future storms or difficulties. Having repented unto God, we are to be about perseverance in Christ. He has not delivered us from something in life in order for us to fall away from him, but to persevere or remain with him. Third, we are saved to a life of praise. New mercies are intended to produce a new heart and life.2 Like David who asked what is he and his house that such promises would be made to him! If our lives were worth saving, how great a thing God has spared us to do. Nothing less than high praise be to our God who works deliverances.
Again, we began with a leader who believes that God spared him for a purpose. It is a natural thing that people do think this; I’ve heard it from those who are less than spiritual in their ways. Nonetheless, it is true, that God spares us daily for great purposes. Notice it is not so much to be slaves, but to be sons and daughters of God. It is for far greater aims than simply land or country (though this may be included) but to the end that we repent unto God, that we persevere in him when faced with difficulties, and that we live a life of praise to God. The purpose of our lives is raised beyond our lives when we understand why God delivered our lives from death.
John Flavel’s Works reprinted by the Banner of Truth Vol. 4, p.370.